
Friday, July 12, 2013

My Swiss Army Knife has a USB Flash Drive

Just finished reading an article The Swiss Army Knife Approach by Doug Johnson.  I knew I had a connection to this man after hearing his keynote address at SCASL many years ago.   Finally figured it out, I too carry a swiss army knife.
Read the article, it will give you a better understanding of how tablets can be incorporated into your library while saving resource monies.

And swiss army knife has a 512 storage USB drive...time for an upgrade... find yours on of the best purchases I've ever made...right up there with my iPad!

I'm already behind...already editing my first post...Do I really need a flash drive?  I have a Google drive...a Skydrive and the Cloud.

maybe?  for when I forget my passwords...the internet is down...etc...what are your thoughts?


  1. I enjoyed your post, Dawn! I also adored the photo of the field! Many, many memories...
